Welcome to Eyes of the World Online Patient Form

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After completing all the forms, please submit your data on the final tab. Thank you!

All fields marked with a * are required.


Patient Information
City:* State:* ZipCode:*
Home Phone:* Work Phone:
Other Phone: Alerts:
Cell Phone:* Preferred Contact Method:
SSN (last 4 digits) Email
Birthday:* Occupation
Sex:* Male Female Employment Status Employed Full-Time Student Part-Time Student
Marital Status Employer / School Name
Billing Information Is The Billing Address Different?

Home Phone:
Work Phone:

Primary Vision

Insurance Information
Insurance Name:
Insurance Plan:
Insurance ID:
Insurance Policy Group:
Not Primary on Account: Not Primary
Primary on Account
Name:Last, First, MI
Relationship to Insured:Spouse Child Other
Sex: Male Female
City: State: Zip:
Phone Number:

Secondary Vision

Insurance Information
Insurance Name:
Insurance Plan:
Insurance ID:
Insurance Policy Group:
Not Primary on Account: Not Primary
Primary on Account
Name:Last, First, MI
Relationship to Insured:Spouse Child Other
Sex: Male Female
City: State: Zip:
Phone Number:

Primary Medical

Insurance Information
Insurance Name:
Insurance Plan:
Insurance ID:
Insurance Policy Group:
Not Primary on Account: Not Primary
Primary on Account
Name:Last, First, MI
Relationship to Insured:Spouse Child Other
Sex: Male Female
City: State: Zip:
Phone Number:

Secondary Medical

Insurance Information
Insurance Name:
Insurance Plan:
Insurance ID:
Insurance Policy Group:
Not Primary on Account: Not Primary
Primary on Account
Name:Last, First, MI
Relationship to Insured:Spouse Child Other
Sex: Male Female
City: State: Zip:
Phone Number:

Medical History

Medical History

Personal & Social History

Referred By:
Has a family member been seen by us? If yes, please give name:
Primary Care Physician:
Hobbies: Employer

Medical & Eye History

What is the main reason for scheduling an appointment today?
If there is a specific issue, please elaborate:

Last Eye Exam: Do you wear glasses?
Do you wear contact lenses? Type of contacts?

Do you or members of your immediate family have any of the following conditions?

Self - All No    Family - All No    Relationship
High BP:*
Heart Condition:*
Thyroid Condition:*
Sinus Issues:*
Lazy Eye:*
Macular Degen:*

All No
Do you experience flashes of light?*
Do you experience floaters in your vision?*
Have you ever had an eye injury?*
Have you ever had eye surgery?*
Do you frequently have double vision?*
Are you troubled by frequent headaches?*
Are you pregnant/nursing?:*

Are you taking any medications? If no, type 'None':*

Are you allergic to any medications? If no, type 'None':*

Other Health Conditions? If no, type 'None':*

Review of Systems

Please choose from the menu options or select "OTHER" to type your answer. Thank you!

All None

General:* Skin:*
Ears, Nose, Throat:* Neurological:*
Cardiovascular:* Psychiatric:*
Respiratory:* Endocrine:*
Genitourinary: Blood/Lymph:*
Gastrointestinal:* Allergy/Immune:*

Dilation/Optomap Consent

As part of a comprehensive eye examination, it is recommended that ALL patients have the internal health of their eyes thoroughly evaluated every year, this is done by either having an Optomap retinal scan OR dilation. Common conditions, such as glaucoma, diabetes, macular degeneration, and even cancer can be discovered when the doctor evaluates the internal health of the eye. Selecting to have either the Optomap retinal image OR eye dilation will allow the doctor an extensive view of the retina during the examination.

*The Optomap Retinal Image captures a digital scan of the retina and does NOT require dilation. The scans become permanent records that will allow the doctor to compare any retinal changes annually.

*Dilation is the use of drops to temporarily dilate or enlarge the pupil. Your vision can be affected up to 4 hours.


Please only check one.

I have read and understand the above, and agree to the Optomap Retinal Exam.
I have read and understand the above, and decline the Optomap Retinal Exam but I wish to have my eyes dilated.
I have read and understand the above, and decline both the Optomap Retinal Exam and dilation at this time.

Patient/Parent Signature:* Date:*
    Please type full legal name as electronic signature.


I hereby authorize Eyes of the World, Dr. Jerry Phillips, O.D., to furnish my insurance company(s) all medical information necessary to process any appropriate claim(s). I also authorize payment of benefits to Eyes of the World, Dr. Jerry Phillips, O.D. I accept full responsibility for ALL my incurred charges including charges which my insurance company may or may not cover. I am responsible for all charges incurred for the treatment/services I receive whether I have or may not have insurance. There will be a $30 NSF fee for returned checks.

I understand that Eyes of the World, Dr. Jerry Phillips, O.D., is committed to keeping my health information private. By signing below, I acknowledge that I have been presented a copy of the Notice of Privacy Practices.

My signature will serve as a protected health information document release, by signing below I am consenting for medical records be sent via digital communication (email/text) to myself, authorized party or to another facility. A copy of this signed, dated document dated document shall be as effective as the original.

  Patient/Parent Signature:* Date:*
    Please type full legal name as electronic signature.


Contact Lens Prescription Signed Acknowledgment Form Included below is important information to review prior to receiving your contact lens prescription.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) makes clear, "Contact lenses can provide many benefits, but they are not risk-free-especially if contact lens wearers don't practice healthy habits and take care of their contact lenses and supplies. If patients seek care quickly, most complications can be easily treated by an eye doctor. However, more serious infections can cause pain and even permanent vision loss, depending on the cause and how long the patient waits to seek treatment." Symptoms of Eye Infection include:

  • Irritated, red eyes
  • Worsening pain in or around the eyes-even after contact lens removal
  • Light sensitivity
  • Sudden blurry vision
  • Unusually watery eyes or discharge

  • The CDC recommends the following for contact lens wearers:
    - Schedule a visit with your eye doctor at least once a year. - Take out your contacts and call your eye doctor if you have eye pain, discomfort, redness, or blurry vision. - Understand that eye infections that go untreated can lead to eye damage or even blindness.

    The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) indicates:
    - "To be sure that your eyes remain healthy you should not order lenses with a prescription that has expired or stock up on lenses right before the prescription is about to expire. It's safer to be re-checked by your eye care professional."

    Sign below to acknowledge that you will be provided with a copy of your contact lens prescription at the completion of your contact lens fitting.

    Electronic Patient / Parent Signature: Date:

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