Online Patient Form

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After completing all the forms, please submit your data using the button at the bottom of the page. Thank you!

Patient Information

Title First Last MI Suffix Nickname Pronoun
Zip Code:
Home Phone: Work Phone:
Other Phone:
Cell Phone: Preferred Contact Method:
SSN Email
Birthday Occupation
Legal Sex (As reported to health insurance company) Employment Status
Marital Status Employer / School Name

Eye History

Reason for Visit:
Secondary Concerns:
Eye Symptoms:
Eye Meds/Drops:
Eye Surgeries:
Last Eye Exam: Previous Eye Doctor:

Primary Vision Correction:
Want new glasses?: Prescription sunglasses?:

Type of contact lenses worn in past:
Cleaner: Wear Time: Disposal: Is this your first time using contacts?:
Previous Contact Lens Brand:
Previous Prescription: (if known)
      Sphere Cylinder   Axis

Medical History

Primary Care Physician:
Recent Tetanus Shot?: Pregnant Or Nursing:

Are you taking any medications/supplements, or have any allergies? If no, please type 'None'.

Over The Counter Medications:
Drug Allergies:

Personal/Family History

Please use the blank space next to each condition to include additional details or alternate family members.

Eye History

(None For All)
  Self   Mom   Dad   Sibling
Eye Turn         
Lazy Eye         
Macular Degeneration         
Retinal Detachment         

Medical History

(None For All)
  Self   Mom   Dad   Sibling
High Blood Pressure         
Thyroid Disease         
High Cholesterol         
Heart Condition         
Other Disease

Submit Form / Patient Signatures

Please review the Notice of Privacy Practices (1), our Office Policies (2), and Optomap Consent (3) and sign for all three before submitting. Thank you! (where to sign is in RED)


We keep a record of the health care services we provide you. You may ask to see and copy that record. You may also ask to correct that record. We will not disclose your record to others unless you direct us to do so, or unless the law authorizes or compels us to do so. You may see your record or get more information about it by contacting our front desk.

Our Notice of Privacy Practices describes in more detail how your health information may be used and disclosed, and how you can access your information.

A full copy of our Notice of Privacy Practices is available on our website, under Patients > Notice of Privacy Practices, or is available at the following link:

By my signature below, I acknowledge receipt of the notice of Privacy Practices & Office Policies. This will be retained in your medical record.

"if under 18, a parent/legal guardian must acknowledge/sign" Signature: Date:


  • The evaluation of contact lenses is not included in the comprehensive exam. An additional charge will be issued for this service. See "contact lens wearers" section below for more information.
  • All contact lens orders must be paid in full at time of order. All eyewear orders require a minimum deposit of 50% before the order can be processed. Eyeglasses are custom made and cannot be refunded. However, remakes may be necessary to finalize your prescription. One remake will be done free of charge if done within 60 days of dispensing.
  • Eye Clinics of Seattle will file insurance claims and await payment from your insurance company, but we cannot guarantee coverage by your insurance company, and you are ultimately responsible for any balances incurred. We will send you a statement if a balance remains, which is due within 30 days of notification. If payment is not received after 90 days, your account will accrue a 1% finance charge every month until payment is made. A $25 fee will be assessed for all returned checks.

  • "if under 18, a parent/legal guardian must acknowledge/sign" Signature: Date:

    (3) Optomap Consent

    We are proud to offer state-of-the-art digital retinal imaging technology, which allows our doctors to view the inside of the eye without requiring dilating drops. The Optomap Retinal Scan allows us to evaluate your retina for a number of problems, some of which may be present without any symptoms. This scan does not emit any radiation and is completely safe for patients of all ages. After the scan is performed, you have the opportunity to review the inside of your eyes with your doctor, and can even be provided with a copy of your image at your request. The Optomap also allows the doctor to see up to 200 degrees at once, whereas traditional methods only allow up to 45 degrees to be viewed at once (see below).

    Dilated Exam

    - Blurred Near Vision For 4-6 Hours
    - Light Sensitivity For 4-6 Hours
    - No Permanent Record Of Retina
    - Longer Office Visit (Drops Usually Take
    10-15 Minutes To Take Effect)
    Optomap Retinal Exam

    - NO Blurred Vision
    - NO Light Sensitivity
    - Digital Image Stored For Future Comparison
    - You May View Images
    - Takes Less than 2 Minutes To Capture The Image.

    Most major insurance companies do not cover the Optomap screening. There is an additional fee of $39, which is generally reimbursable through flexible spending (FSA). In rare instances, the doctor may still require dilation after the screening has been performed to further asses any abnormal findings.

    Please sign 1 of the 2 options below

    Optomap Signature

    I elect to have Optomap Retinal Scan performed as part of my eye health exam   
    I elect to have my eyes dilated as part of my eye health exam   


    The contact lens evaluation is not part of a standard routine eye exam because additional assessment is required to ensure that patients' eye health supports continued use of contact lenses, that the patients' contact lenses fit properly, and that the lenses provide adequate vision/comfort.

    The baseline fee for a contact lens evaluation is $85 but may be lower or higher based on the complexity of the lens and fit. This fee includes complimentary follow-up visits as needed for 60 days after your exam, and includes samples of contact lenses in your updated prescription. VSP patients usually pay no more than $60 after insurance discounts.