Online Patient Form

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After completing all the forms, please submit your data on the final tab. Thank you!


Patient Information
City: State/ZipCode
Home Phone: Work Phone:
Other Phone: Alerts:
Cell Phone: Preferred Contact Method:
SSN Email
Birthday Occupation
Sex Employment Status
Marital Status Employer / School Name

Referred By: Referring Doctor:
Are any family members seen by our office?:

Medical History

Please choose from the menu options or select "OTHER" to type in multiple items or your own text. Thank you!

Interested In Contact Lenses?

Ever Worn Contact Lenses? If yes, type of contacts worn in past: Do you have backup glasses?:

Primary Vision Correction:
Do you want sunglasses?: Do you want computer glasses?:
Do you have problems with glare?: Interested in Laser Vision Correction?:

Do you currently have or have a history of the following conditions/symptoms?:
Do you take any eye medications?:

Last Eye Doctor:
Primary Care Physician:
Do you take any other medications?:
Do you have any allergies?:

Please describe any history of conditions such as asthma, diabetes, thyroid disease, etc.:

Family Med History:
Family Eye History:

Speed Testing

Report The FREQUENCY Of The Below Symptoms as Never, Sometimes, Often, Or Contant Using The Number System Below:

Race: Ethnicity: Preferred Language: Smoking Status:
Symptoms   0   1   2   3
Dryness, Grittiness Or Scratchiness
Soreness Or Irritation
Burning Or Watering
Eye Fatigue

0 = Never , 1 = Sometimes, 2 = Often, 3 = Constant

Report The SEVERITY Of Your Symptoms By Using The Rating List Below:

Symptoms   0   1   2   3   4
Dryness, Grittiness Or Scratchiness
Soreness Or Irritation
Burning Or Watering
Eye Fatigue

0 = No Problems
1 = Tolerable - Not Perfect But Not Uncomfortable
2 = Uncomfortable - Irritating But Does Not Interfere With My Day
3 = Bothersome - Irritating And Interferes With My Day
4 = Intolerable - Unable To Perform My Daily Tasks

How Long Have You Been Treated For Dry Eye Disease?

Less Than One Year 1 - 2 Years More Than 2 Years No H/O TXT

Do You Experience Any Of The Following Symptoms?

Dry Mouth Muscle Weakness Or Numbness Of Your Arms And Legs
Fatigue Inability To Concentrate
Body Aches GI Distress
None Apply

Have You Or A Family Member Ever Been Diagnosed With An Autoimmune Disease Such As Lupus, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Sjogren's Or Other Associated Autoimmune Disease?
No Myself Family Member
Do You Use Drops And / Or Ointment How Often?
What Drops Do You Use?

Indicate Time Spent:

On A Computer At Work: Hours Per Day
On A Computer At Home: Hours Per Day
On A Handheld Computer (e.g. Smartphone, Tablet): Hours Per Day

Are You Experiencing Any Of The Following Symptoms While At Your Computer Monitor Or Using Handheld Devices?:

Blurred Distance Vision Trouble Changing Focus From Near To Far
Blurred Near Vision Glare (Light) Sensitivity
Head Aches Back Pain
Double Vision Neck And Shoulder Pain
Sore / Tired Eyes (Eye Strain) Dry Or Watery Eyes
Burning, Irritation, Itch None Apply

Review of Systems

General: Ears/Nose/Throat:
Cardiovascular: Respiratory:
Genitourinary: Musculoskeletal:
Skin: Neurological:
Psychiatric: Endocrine:
Blood/Lymph: Allergy/Immune:

Submit Data / Signatures

For Patients Filing Insurance Claims

As a service to our patients, we do our best to verify medical and vision insurance benefits. However, we are not responsible for incorrect benefit information given to us by your insurance company regarding coverage, allowances, co-pays, or other information needed to file an insurance claim.

I, , understand that I am responsible for any amount not covered or paid by my insurance for services and/or materials provided by Arbor Eye Center, P.A. I accept that full payment is expected within 30 days of such notice from the date the bill was mailed.

Signature: Date:


Acknowledgment of Receipt

I acknowledge that I received a copy of Arbor Eye Center, P.A.'s Notice of Privacy Practices.

Signature: Date:


Pupil dilation is part of the comprehensive eye exam, and it is included in the cost of the exam. It allows a more thorough evaluation of the retina so that the doctor may check for undiagnosed conditions or diseases. Without a dilated exam, many vision-threatening conditions may go undetected because patients may not experience any symptoms. Dilation is particularly important for people with diabetes.

Please be advised that the side affects of dilation will include light sensitivity and blurry near vision for three to six hours


The optomap digital retinal imagining captures a 200 degree view and more than 80% of your retina in one image. The wide view enhances your doctors ability to detect even the earliest sign of disease. If you choose to have optomap imaging in lieu of dilation drops today, we will have an image to keep on record that is useful for future comprehensive exams and maintaining eye health. The optomap does not have any side effects and allows the doctor to review the image with you at the time of exam. If you choose to do the optomap and the doctor does detect any sign of disease, the doctor will advise you on next steps which may involve dilation.

The optomap is not covered by most insurance plans and is an additional charge of $39. We will inform you if the optomap charge is covered by your insurance plan at the time of visit

After reviewing my options with the presented material and given the opportunity to ask questions, I have made the following decision:

I would like a comprehensive exam including the dilation drops

*please note if you have been diagnosed with diabetes, have a history of seizures, or have had retinal surgery the doctors prefer to perform a dilated fundus exam.

I would like a comprehensive exam including the optomap imaging

I do NOT consent to having a dilated examination or optomap imaging performed. I understand the importance of this test and that Arbor Eye Center, P.A. is not liable for failure to test or diagnose any eye condition(s) due to lack of diagnostic information that would have been obtained in performing this test.

I do NOT consent to a dilated eye exam because I see a retinal specialist who dilates my eyes every year.

Date of last dilated fundus exam:

I do NOT consent to a dilated eye exam because I am pregnant or nursing

*please note the optomap is an excellent and safe alternative to dilation.

I do NOT consent to a dilated eye exam due to other reasons.

Please list:

Print Name: Date
