Please check what applies to you or your familys health conditions.
While eye exams generally include a look at the front of the eye to evaluate health and prescription changes, a Optomap Retinal Image of the retina is critical to verify that your eye is healthy. This can lead to early detection of common diseases, such as glaucoma, diabetes, macular degeneration, and even cancer. The exam is quick, painless, and may not require dilation drops.
A Visual Field test is a method of measuring an individuals entire scope of vision, that is their central and peripheral (side) vision. The eye exam will show whether you have a loss of vision anywhere in your visual field. The pattern of vision loss will help your doctor diagnose the cause.
Our Notice of Privacy Practices provides information about how we may use and disclose protected health information about you. The notice contains a patient rights section describing your rights under the law. You have the right to review our notice before signing this consent. The terms of our notice may change. If we change our notice you may obtain a revised copy by contacting our office.
You have the right to request that we restrict how protected health information about you is used or disclosed for treatment, payment or health care operations. We are not required to agree to this restriction, but if we do we shall honor that agreement.
By signing this form you consent to our use and disclosure of protected health information about you for treatment, payment and health care operations. You have the right to revoke this consent in writing signed by you. However, such a revocation shall not affect any disclosures we have already made in reliance on your prior consent. The practice provides this form to comply with the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA).
The patient understand that:
It is our pleasure to help you file your insurance claim forms or take assignment on your vision benefit as designated by the vision plan of which you have indicated you are a member. We provide this service at no additional cost to you and will do all that we can help you receive the maximum benefits allowable under your plan.
In the event the Insurance determines that you are not eligible at the time of service or makes a determination that you are eligible for a reduced level of coverage, by signing this agreement, you do hereby agree to be financially responsible of any and all of the charges incurred by you and paid by the Insurance.