Online Patient Form

After completing all the forms, please submit your data on the final tab. Thank you!


Title First Last MI Suffix Nickname
City: State/ZipCode
Home Phone: Work Phone:
Other Phone: Alerts:
Cell Phone: Preferred Contact Method:
SSN Email
Birthday Occupation
Sex Male Female Employment Status Employed Full-Time Student Part-Time Student
Marital Status Employer/School Name
Primary Doctor Misc/Guardian
Billing Information Is The Billing Address the Same?
Title First Last MI Suffix

City State ZipCode
Home Phone:
Work Phone:

Vision Insurance

If you have vision insurance, please fill out the Primary Vision Insurance section. If you have multiple vision insurances, please fill out Secondary, and Tertiary if needed.

Primary Vision Insurance
Insurance Name:
Insurance ID:
Insurance Policy Group:
Not Primary on Account: Not Primary
Primary on Account
Name: Last, First MI
Relationship to Insured: Spouse Child Other
Sex: Male Female
City: State: Zip:
Phone Number:

Medical Insurance

If you have medical insurance, please fill out the Primary Medical Insurance section. If you have multiple medical insurances, please fill out Secondary and Tertiary if needed.

Primary Medical Insurance
Insurance Name:
Insurance ID:
Insurance Policy Group:
Not Primary on Account: Not Primary
Primary on Account
Name: Last, First MI
Relationship to Insured: Spouse Child Other
Sex: Male Female
City: State: Zip:
Phone Number:

Chief Complaint

Reason for Visit:
Location: Severity: Quality: Duration:
Timing: Context: Modifying: Associated:
Secondary Reasons:

Do you have a history of eye problems?:

Any eye injuries, head trauma, eye trauma or eye surgeries since last visit?

Do you take any eye medications?:

Last Eye Exam: By Doctor:

Primary Vision Correction:
Do you have backup glasses?
Planning to get new glasses?

If you wear contacts, which ones?:
How long do you wear them?:
What contact solution do you use?:
How often do you replace them?:

Family Eye History

Macular Degen: Cataracts:
Retinal Detach: Glaucoma:
Crossed/Lazy Eye:
Preferred Language: Race: Ethnicity:

Medical History

Patient Medical History
Please select from the dropdown menu options:

Injuries, Surgeries, Hospitalization

Pregnant Or Nursing:      Recent Tetanus Shot:


Primary Care Physician:      Last Visit:      Reason For Visit:

OTC Meds and Vitamins and Drug Allergies

No current meds No Known Drug Allergies

OTC:      Vitamins:

Current Medications:

Family Medical History

Please enter any known family conditions:

Social History

Occupation:      Hobbies:      STD:

Smoking Status: Type: How Long:
Alcohol: Type: How Long:
Illegal Drugs: Type: How Long:


Have you experienced the following?

Sensitivity to light?   Contact lens discomfort?   Watering?   Blurry or fluctuating vision?
Gritty feeling? Foreign body sensation? Burning or stinging? Discharge or crusting?
Dryness? Redness? Itching? Other:

Do you have any history of these conditions?
Do you take any medications?
Do any of these factors affect your vision?

Do you take any eye medications? (topical meds/rewetting drops included):

If you wear contacts, what kind?: How do they feel?:

Review of Systems

General: Ear/Nose/Throat:
Respiratory: Cardiovascular:
Skin: Genital/Kidney/Bladder:
Neurological: Muscles/Bones/Joints:
Psychiatric: Gastrointestinal:
Endocrine: Allergic/Immunologic:


Notice of Health Information Practices (HIPAA)

By signing below:

- I give Valley Eye Associates/Dr.Coon permission to leave messages regarding appointments on an answering machine or service if I am unavailable.

-I give Valley Eye Associates/Dr.Coon permission to fax medical and ocular prescriptions to pharmacies or offices of my choice.

- I give Valley Eye Associates/Dr.Coon permission to discuss medical or billing information to the people listed below in the event of an emergency or otherwise.

Name: Phone Number: Relation:

Name: Phone Number: Relation:

Name: Phone Number: Relation:

I acknowledge and agree that I have received a copy of Valley Eye Associate’s notice of privacy practices. The copy of our full privacy policy is available at reception, at any time, please take one for your records if you desire.

Patient Signature: Date:

Patient Printed Name: