Online Patient Form

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Patient Information
Title First Last MI Suffix Nickname
City: State/ZipCode
Home Phone: Work Phone:
Other Phone:
Cell Phone: Preferred Contact Method:
SSN Email
Birthday Occupation
Sex Male Female Employment Status Employed Full-Time Student Part-Time Student
Marital Status Employer / School Name
Billing Information Is The Billing Address Different?
Title First Last MI Suffix

City State ZipCode
Home Phone:
Work Phone:

Medical History

Please choose from the menu options or select "OTHER" to type in multiple items or your own text. Thank you!

Medical History
Medical Conditions/Injuries:   Date:

Do you need your glasses prescriptions updated? Yes No Possibly
Height: ft. in.    Weight: lbs.

Eye Medications:
Pregnant or Nursing:

Surgeries:   Date:

Prescription Medications (Including Dosage):

Allergies to Medications:

Over the Counter Meds/Vitamins:

Primary Care Physician:
Review of Systems
General: (Fatigue, Weight loss/gain, fever, chills, night sweats)
Ear/Nose/Throat: (Runny Nose, Ear aches, Hearing changes, Vertigo, Sore throat)
Cardiovascular: (Chest pain, Palpitations, Swelling of feet, Pain with walking)
Respiratory: (Asthma, Bronchitis, Emphysema, COPD)
Gastrointestinal: (Abdominal pain, Difficulty swallowing, Change in bowel habits)
Musculoskeletal: (Joint pain/stiffness, swelling, reness/warmth, cramps)
Skin: (Rash, Hair loss, Itching, Pigmented lesions)
Eyes: (Sudden Blurred vision, Dryness, Flashes/floaters , Loss of vision)
Neurological: (Muscle weakness, Memory loss, Numbness, Tingling)
Psychiatric: (Anxiety, Depression, Hallucinations, Nervousness)
Endocrine: (Excessive Hunger, Excessive Thirst, Excessive Urination)
Genitourinary: (Bladder infection, trouble urinating, incontinence)
Allergic/Immune: (Swollen Lymph Nodes, Itching/Hives, Hay Fever, Sneezing)
Other Symptoms:
Social History
Smoking Status: Do you Exercise regularly?
Do you drink? If yes, how much? Hobbies:
Ethnicity: Race: Preferred Language:
Family Medical History

Does your family have a history of these eye conditions? If so, which relative?

Unknown Family History

Lazy Eye:
Color Blindness:
Mac Degen:
Retinal Detach:
Eye Turn:

Does your family have a history of these medical conditions? If so, which relative?

Heart Disease:
Blood Pressure:
Kidney Disease:

Submit Data / Patient Signatures

Please click on the blue links below, read carefully and sign your acceptance by entering your First and Last Name in the boxes below.

Notice of Privacy Practices

View Notice of Privacy Practices Form

Patient Signature: Date:

Billing Statement

Payment from my insurance is to be paid directly to Vision Health. I understand that billing my insurance company is a courtesy service that VH offers. I understand all benefits quoted to me are not a guarantee of payment by my insurance company and that final determination can only be made when the claim is processed. The undersigned will ultimately be responsible for any bill incurred in this office regardless of insurance.

Patient Signature: Date:

Vision Health Wellness Assessment

80 percent of everything we learn comes through our eyes, making eye health very important to your well-being and quality of life. Our doctors recommend our Wellness Assessment annually for all patients to assist in the early detection of eye and overall health conditions like glaucoma, macular degeneration, diabetes and high blood pressure.

The Wellness Assessment now includes two advanced, non-invasive retinal images that deliver an expanded, more detailed view of your internal eye not available in most other eye exams.

--Widefield imaging (Optos) captures a 200-degree image of the retina, assisting your doctor in detecting changes over time that can occur with common eye diseases and medical conditions.

--OCT (optical coherence tomography) imaging uses a non-contact beam of light to produce high-resolution, cross-sectional images of the eye's retina and optic nerve that enable your doctor to diagnose and manage eye conditions as well as ocular side-effects of certain medications.

Our doctors feel that these images are an extremely valuable addition to your comprehensive exam, and they recommend them for all our patients.

Our practice offers this advanced technology for $49, which is not covered by insurance plans.

Yes, I want to upgrade my comprehensive exam to the Wellness Assessment.
       *I acknowledge that the doctor may still recommend dilating my eyes if deemed necessary.
I'm not sure. I would like more information.
I will pass on the Wellness Assessment this year.
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