New Patients
Please click here and complete the form before your first office visit.
This will save you time and make the office administration process easier.
If you have moved or any of your patient information has changed please contact our office.
On the day of your appointment, our office will generate a passcode allowing you to verify and update your patient information and medical history. The passcode you will enter is the patient's date of birth as an 8 digit number with no slashes. For example, a date of birth March 15, 2011 would have a passcode of 03152011. Passcodes will only be valid for a maximum of 24 hours with a secure server site.
Please also click the "SUBMIT DATA" button on the bottom of the medical history page to ensure the office gets your updated information. Thank you.
If you have any problems or questions please contact us at (940) 464-2020.