Designed for You & by You

Our unique EHR is designed to well… be designed. We understand that patient care is diverse, and your records should be too.

Crystal PM has over 300 customized medical/health record templates shared online by Optometrist and Ophthalmologists.

Choose from one of the established templates or select tabs from numerous sources.

Most offices use an established template and make minor tweaks to meet their office needs. CrystalPM’s expert training staff is available to help you every step of the way.  Browse, create, edit, and share what you choose is most useful for your practice.

  • The CrystalPM Template

    This template package offers a comprehensive range of features, including up-to-date content, automated coding capabilities, pre-made letter/Word templates, and online forms optimized for mobile devices.

  • Customizable Reports

    CrystalPM integrates with Microsoft Office to create custom reports for printing patient records, patient education, summary of care and much more.

  • Code Smarter, Not Harder

    CrystalPM includes built-in technology that uses exam findings to auto-populate ICD-10 codes and more.

  • Records for Procedure

    Create custom procedures for exam types, special testing, or specific diagnosis. Highlighting the areas of the record that need to be filled out, so you never miss a beat.

  • MACRA and MIPS

    We’re ONC 2015 Certified and up to date on the latest CURES Act changes