The Topcon Color Mapping Software must be set up by Topcon Prior to integrating the machine.




1)     Navigate to the CrystalPM folder located on your computer

1.      Windows 32-bit:  C:\Program Files\CrystalPM


2.      Windows 64-bit: C:\Program Files (x86)\CrystalPM

2)     Create a folder in the CrystalPM folder and name it:  TOPCON

3)     Download the registry file (right-click and choose "Save Link As"):

1.      Windows 32-bit:


2.      Windows 7 64-bit processor

4)     Double click on the downloaded registry file and double click on it to run it

1.      In the Registry Edit Warning window, click on OK

5)     Restart the Topcon Color Mapping software

6)     Send data through the machine (Press print button)

1.      *The data is outputted only when the “SE.DATA” setting of the Initial Setting menu is “YES”.

2.      The color mapping software must be running for the information to transfer over to the TOPCON folder




Add the Machine:

1.      In Crystal, go to the Records tab

2.      In Records, navigate to EHR Settings à Import Machines à Select an open Machine Slot

3.      A window will open with a list a of machines, click on “Browse for available machines” at the bottom

4.      Choose the machine labeled “Topcon KR7000p 8000p”

5.      Browse to the machine output location (C:\Program Files\CrystalPM\TOPCON\*)

6.      Click open, then leave the Records tab in Crystal and then come back to it (Click on Tasks tab then click back onto records tab.)


Create the button in records:

1.      In Records, navigate to EHR Settings à Edit Medical Record Templates

2.      At the bottom of the Edit Fields Window click on “Add New Field”

3.      Make the field type to be a button

4.      Assign the fields in your template to the corresponding fields from the file below:

5.      Add field to template and Save Changes




ID          Data                                   Example_________________________________

1        File Location                          C:\Program Files\CrystalPM\TOPCON\0001

2        Time                                   03:30 PM

3        Machine Type                           KR-7000

4        Date From Mach                         AUG_06_2009

5        Device                                 01

6        Serial Num:                            0303

7        OD SPHERE                              +2.50

8        OD CYLINDER                            -1.50

9        OD AXIS                                10

10       OD SPH CYL x AXIS                      +2.50-1.50x10

11       *SE

12       OS SPHERE                              +3.50

13       OS CYLINDER                            +1.00

14       OS AXIS                                50

15       OS SPH CYL x AXIS                      +3.50+1.00x50

16       *SE

17       VD                                     13.75

18       ADD                                    +2.00

19       OD Horizontal Curvature                7.42

20       OD Horizontal Refraction               45.12

21       OD Horizontal Axial Angle              44

22       OD Vertical Curvature                  7.39

23       OD Vertical Refraction                 43.12

24       OD Vertical Axial Angle                134

25       OD Average Curvature                   7.43

26       OD CYL                                 -0.62

27       OD                                     44

28       OS Horizontal Curvature                -0.62

29       OS Horizontal Refraction               45.12

30       OS Horizontal Axial Angle              44

31       OS Vertical Curvature                  7.48

32       OS Vertical Refraction                 42.12

33       OS Vertical Axial Angle                134

34       OS Average Curvature                   7.43

35       OS CYL                                 -0.62

36       OS                                     44

37       D# Measurements                        .52 44.87

.47 45.12

.42 45.50

38       HC                                     .45 45.25

39       VC                                     .42 45.50

40       KRT OD H/V @ A                         43.12/43.75@28

41       KRT OS H/V @ A                         43.00/43.75@159

42       PD                                     64