the Machine:
1. In Crystal, go to the Records tab
2. In Records, navigate to EHR Settings à Import Machines à Select an open Machine Slot
3. A window will open with a list a of machines, click on “Browse for available machines” at the bottom
4. Choose the machine labeled “Konan CellChek”
5. Browse to the output location of the Konan CellChek database. Typical Location: C:\CELLCHEK\db1.mdb
6. Click open, then leave the Records tab in Crystal and then come back to it (Click on Tasks tab then click back onto records tab.)
Import Instructions:
1. In Crystal, click on Configuration à Edit Ini File
2. Add the following line to the insight.ini file:
Save the file
Create the button in records:
1. In Records, navigate to EHR Settings à Edit Medical Record Templates
2. At the bottom of the Edit Fields Window click on “Add New Field”
3. Make the field type to be a button
4. Assign the fields in your template to the corresponding fields from the txt file below:
5. Add field to template and Save Changes
ID Data Example_________________________________
1 Date 4/8/2010
10:52:37 AM
2 Mode Image
3 Paitent_ID 100585
4 Exam_Number
5 First_Name John
6 Last_Name Doe
7 Gender M
8 DOB 11/19/1977
9 Age 32
10 Operator Will
11 Doctor
12 Comment_OD
13 Comment_OS
14 Photo_Mode_OD Auto
15 Photo_Mode_OS Auto
16 Position_OD Inferior
17 Position_OS Nasal
18 PosX_OD 0
19 PosY_OD 0
20 PosX_OS 0
21 PosY_OS 0
22 Pachy_OD 500
23 Pachy_OS 500
24 Magnification_OD 124
25 Magnification_OS 124
26 Cell_Image_OD [Image] *needs to be Assigned to Picture Field
27 Cell_Image_OS [Image] *needs to be Assigned to Picture Field
28 Eye_Image_OD [Image] *needs to be Assigned to Picture Field
29 Eye_Image_OS [Image] *needs to be Assigned to Picture Field
32 Analysis_Method_OD Unanalyzed
33 Analysis_Method_OS Unanalyzed
34 Examiner
35 Analysis_Date_OD
36 Analysis_Date_OS
37 Analysis_Area_OD N00000001_OD.dat
38 Analysis_Area_OS N00000001_OS.dat
39 CD_OD 0
40 CD_OS 0
41 CV_OD 0
42 CV_OS 0
43 HEX_OD 0
44 HEX_OS 0
45 NUM_OD 0
46 NUM_OS 0
47 MAX_OD 0
48 MAX_OS 0
49 MIN_OD 0
50 MIN_OS 0
51 AVE_OD 0
52 AVE_OS 0
53 SD_OD 0
54 SD_OS 0
55 Analysis_FN_OD
56 Analysis_FN_OS
57 Graph_FN_OD
58 Graph_FN_OS
59 Analysis_Result_OD
60 Analysis_Result_OS
61 Center(AVE)_OD 0
62 Center(NUM)_OD 0
63 Center(AVE)_OS 0
64 Center(NUM)_OS 0
65 Superior(AVE)_OD 0
66 Superior(NUM)_OD 0
67 Superior(AVE)_OS 0
68 Superior(NUM)_OS 0
69 Nasal(AVE)_OD 0
70 Nasal(NUM)_OD 0
71 Nasal(AVE)_OS 0
72 Nasal(NUM)_OS 0
73 Inferior(AVE)_OD 0
74 Inferior(NUM)_OD 0
75 Inferior(AVE)_OS 0
76 Inferior(NUM)_OS 0
77 Temporal(AVE)_OD 0
78 Temporal(NUM)_OD 0
79 Temporal(AVE)_OS 0
80 Temporal(NUM)_OS 0
81 Pachy_FN_OD
82 Pachy_FN_OS
Version 1.1 use these additional fields
83 85 88 93 94 107: 123 124 132 |
Number OD Time OD Xs OD Ys OD Ye OD Input_FN OD Graph_FN OD Eye_Image OD 6A OD 2H(AVE) OD 2H(NUM) OD 6H(AVE) OD 6H(NUM) OD 10H(AVE) OD H(NUM) OD Pachy_Mode OD SELECT1 OD SELECT2 OD Disk_No OD Number OS Exam_Number OS Name OS Sex OS Age OS DOB OS Date OS Time OS Examiner OS Eye(R/L) OS Mode OS Xs OS Ys OS Ye OS Input_FN OS Graph_FN OS Eye_Image OS 6A OS 2H(AVE) OS 2H(NUM) OS 6H(AVE) OS 6H(NUM) OS 10H(AVE) OS H(NUM) OS Pachy_Mode OS SELECT1 OS SELECT2 OS Disk_No OS |