Oculus Myopia Master (JSON)

Version 6.2.18+






Add the Machine:

1.      In Crystal, go to the Records tab

2.      In Records, navigate to EHR Settings à Import Machines à Select an open Machine Slot

3.      A window will open with a list a of machines, click on “Browse for available machines” at the bottom

4.      Choose the machine labeled “Oculus Myopia Master JSON” 

5.      Browse to the .JSON output location (C:/MyopiaMasterExport)

6.      Click open, then leave the Records tab in Crystal and then come back to it (Click on Tasks tab then click back onto records tab.)


Create the button in records:

1.      In Records, navigate to EHR Settings à Edit Medical Record Templates

2.      At the bottom of the Edit Fields Window click on “Add New Field”

3.      Make the field type to be a button

4.      Assign the fields in your template to the corresponding fields from the csv file below:

5.      Add field to template and Save Changes





Auto Refraction

          16 OD

          14 OD Cylinder

          13 OD Axis


          35 OS Sphere

          33 OS Cylinder

          32 OS Axis



          8 OD Kera Astigmatism

9 OD Flat Axis

10 OD Flat Radius

          11 OD Steep Radius

          12 OD Average Kera Radius


          27 OS Kera Astigmatism

28 OS Flat Axis

29 OS Flat Radius

          30 OS Steep Radius

          31 OS Average Kera Radius


Axial Length

          4 OD Average

          23 OS Average


White to White

          7 OD WTW

          26 OS WTW


Pupil Diameter

          17 OD Pupil Diameter

36 OS Pupil Diameter